March 2022

With a few changes to the Filters feature, say “Hi!” to old friends with new names and introduce yourself to new friends all together!

What's New

Load your scheduler faster and view only the information you need with enhanced Filters and Layers.

The Filters feature is all grown up and ready to take on your projects with a new look and more robust filtering options.

Looking for the Show Archived Projects and Show Inactive People options? They’ve moved downtown and made new friends, while Show Empty Rows moved to a new location on the East Side and changed its name.

Use the Project Status filter to view projects that are:

  • Confirmed (default selection)
  • Tentative (default selection)
  • Archived

Use the People Status filter options to view people who are:

  • Active (default selection)
  • Inactive
    May 2022 RN

Keep a look out for even more filtering options in the coming months!