Editing a Phase Name

A phase name can be changed to reflect the work more accurately in that phase or to repurpose it from the Schedule page.

Note: This functionality is only available for Resource Managers, Administrators and Owners.

To edit a phase name:

  1. From the People or Projects views of the Schedule page, hover your cursor over an item in the list of resources, or tap the row if using a mobile device. The row color changes to indicate the phase that will be affected.
  2. When the floating action buttons appear, select the kabob button 2 More Actions button and select Rename from the list. 
    Rename a Phase
  3. Enter a new unique name for the phase in the Phase Name field.
    Rename a Phase 2
    • If the phase name already exists in the project, a prompt to rename the phase will display. Select Rename to enter a new name for the phase or Cancel to delete the new phase entry.
      Rename Phase Dialog
  4. Select outside of the Phase Name field to save any changes or Cancel to close the dialog without saving.

See Also:

Moving a Phase Schedule

Reordering a Phase

Deleting a Phase