Switching Between People and Projects Views

If you want to switch up the way you view your Schedule, you can select from either a People view or Projects view.


As you work on your Schedule, you can easily switch between People or Projects views, allowing you to view and assess your Schedule from different perspectives, increasing your visibility into capacity and demand. 

  • Use the People: Projects or People: Phases views to manage the Schedule under each person by project or phase.
    People Projects View
  • Use the Projects: People or Projects: Phases views to manage the Schedule under each project by phases or people.
    Projects People View
  • To change views, select the drop-down arrow on the view button, then select the desired view.
    People Projects Drop-down

    See Also:

    Switching Between Day, Week, and Month Views

    Reviewing the Schedule

    Verifying and Editing Work Calendars