Deleting Assignments

When updating or reassigning hours won't do, you may need to delete one or multiple assignments for a specific individual or role.

Delete a Single Assignment from a Phase

To delete a single assignment from a resource without deleting the phase:

  1. From the People: Phases view of the Schedule page, expand the project, phase or person to display the assignment.
  2. Select the empty space between Hours boxes in the Assignment Hours row to open the Edit Assignment dialog.
  3. Select the delete icon Delete button.
  4. In the warning message that displays, select Delete to remove an individual assignment from the Phase or Cancel to leave the dialog without saving.

Delete All Assignments from a Phase


To delete an entire assignment row and the phase from a resource:
  1. From the People or Projects view of the Schedule page, hover your cursor over an assignment in the list, or tap the row if using a mobile device. The row color changes to indicate the assignment that will be affected.
  2. When the floating action buttons appear, select the edit button More Actions button and then select Delete from the list.
    Note RM Admin And Owners
  3. In the warning prompt, select Delete to remove all assignments of a Phase from a resource or Cancel to leave the dialog without saving.
    • Floating buttons only remove connections; they do not delete the resource itself. 

See Also:

Creating a New Assignment

Viewing Your Assignments

Reallocating an Assignment