When updating or reassigning hours won't do, you may need to delete one or multiple assignments for a specific individual or role.
Delete a Single Assignment from a Phase
To delete a single assignment from a resource without deleting the phase:
- From the People: Phases view of the Schedule page, expand the project, phase or person to display the assignment.
- Select the empty space between Hours boxes in the Assignment Hours row to open the Edit Assignment dialog.
- Select the Delete button.
- In the warning message that displays, select Delete to remove an individual assignment from the Phase or Cancel to leave the dialog without saving.
Delete All Assignments from a Phase
To delete an entire assignment row and the phase from a resource:- From the People or Projects view of the Schedule page, hover your cursor over an assignment in the list, or tap the row if using a mobile device. The row color changes to indicate the assignment that will be affected.
- When the floating action buttons appear, select the More Actions button and then select Delete from the list.
- In the warning prompt, select Delete to remove all assignments of a Phase from a resource or Cancel to leave the dialog without saving.
- Floating buttons only remove connections; they do not delete the resource itself.
See Also: