Viewing Your Assignments

View a summary of your assignments from the Summary page.

The assignment Summary page displays the summary of the project, dates and hours for each assignment.
  • As a Team Member, the assignment Summary home page displays when you log into Audere.
  • As a Resource Manager, Administrator or Owner, select the Audere audere icon logo to view your Summary home page. 
    view your assign purple-1

You can adjust your Summary home page view with the Current/Past Toggle and Sort Options.

1 purple

Current/Past Toggle: Switch between your Current and Past assignments.

  • Current includes This Week, Next Week and Beyond (after Next Week)
  • Past includes Previous Week or Beyond (prior to Previous Week)
2 purple Sort Options: Select to sort assignments by the Project or Start/End Date.
  • Project sorts assignments by projects in alphabetical order first
  • Start/End Date sorts assignments by start date or end date with the most recent first
    • When Current is toggled, Start Date displays for the sort option  
    • When Past is toggled, End Date displays for the sort option  

Assignment Groupings

Based on your Current/Past and Sort selections, the page displays assignments in the following groupings. If no assignments fall into a grouping, no assignments display.

  • Current and Start Date: Displays assignments that have a start date in This Week, Next Week or Beyond.
    • Assignments with a start date in Previous Week or Beyond and an end date in Next Week or Beyond will also display.
  • Past and Start Date: Displays assignments that have a start and end date in Previous Week or Beyond.
  • Current/Past and Project: Displays assignments by project/leave category name (alphanumerical, ascending).
    • Within each project/leave category grouping, assignments are sorted based on your Current vs. Past filter selection.

No Assignments

If you don't have any assignments (current or past), the message No Assignments displays on your home page.
no assignments graphic

See Also:

Changing Assignment Dates

Editing Assignment Hours

Deleting Assignments