Reallocating an Assignment

As your project progresses, your available resources could change, and you may need to allocate assignments.

Note: This functionality is only available for Resource Managers, Administrators and Owners

You can reallocate assignment hours in a couple ways:

Option 1: Reassign from the Side Menu

  1. From the Project: People or Project: Phase view of the Schedule page, hover your cursor over a Person or Role in the list of resources, or tap the row if using a mobile device. The row color changes to indicate the Person or Role affected. 
  2. When the floating action icons display, select the edit button More Actions icon and then select Reassign.
    Managing People Assignments_21
  3. In the Select Person field, select a new Person or Role from the drop-down list.
    Managing People Assignments_22

Option 2: Reassign from the Edit Assignment Dialog

  1. Select the open space between Hours boxes in the Assignment Bar to open the Edit Assignment dialog.
    Hours Boxes-1
  2. Select the Assign To field and choose a new Person or Role from the drop-down list.
    Edit Client 2
  3. Select Apply when complete to save or Cancel to close the dialog without saving.

Option 3: Drag-and-Drop Assignment Bar

When you're in any of the People or Projects views, you can vertically drag and drop an assignment from one person or role to another person or role.

  1. Press and hold your left mouse button on an Assignment Bar to select it.
    vert drag and drop
  2. Drag the assignment vertically and drop it to reallocate the assignment to a different person or role.

Note: If the resource where an assignment is being moved has an existing assignment for the same dates, the assignment is not reallocated.

See Also:

Viewing Your Assignments

Changing Assignment Dates

Reviewing the Schedule