Editing Assignment Hours

Assignment hours can be edited directly on the Schedule page or from the Edit Assignment dialog.

You can change the assignment hours in a couple ways:

Option 1: Edit Specific Hours

You can edit the assigned project hours for specific days, weeks or months directly on the Schedule.

  1. Expand the project, phase or person to display the hours.
  2. Select the Hours box you want to update and enter the new hours.
    • The Hours box and new hours will turn purple to indicate where the change is being made.
      Edit Assignment Hours on Schedule

Option 2: Edit Total Assignment Hours

You can edit the total assigned project hours for specific individuals from the Edit Assignment dialog.

  1. Select the empty space between Hours boxes in the Assignment Hours row to open the Edit Assignment dialog.
    Hours Boxes-1
  2. Select the existing hours in the Hours field and update the amount. The Percent field will update automatically.
    • Alternatively, updating the Percent field updates the Hours field automatically.
      Edit Assignment
  3. Select the Apply button to save your changes or the Cancel button to exit the dialog without saving.

See Also:

Changing Assignment Dates

Creating a New Assignment

Deleting Assignments