October 2022

What do robots and elephants have in common? They never forget! Luckily, the new updates to Audere have the rest of us covered.

What's New

Using "Password01" as your password won't keep you safe in today's world. So, if you're ready for a shiny new password, head on over to My Settings

With the addition of the Change Password feature, you can toss that outdated password into the scrap pile and make your account as impenetrable as Fort Knox.

Change Password

What's Changed

Don’t forget the addition of a new Confirm Password field on the Sign Up page and reset password section on the Sign In page. A friendly message lets you know when your fingers go on a stampede and your password gets jumbled. When both fields match, your password is preserved, and you are free to roam the range. 

But for the rest of us around the water hole, forgetfulness isn't our only concern. If you've ever accidentally left an editing dialog with incomplete changes, the new Cancel/Apply buttons have your back. That means no pesky auto-saving while you click away to scan for predators.

Known Issues

Greatness requires some trial and error. Thank you for being patient while we work on enhancements for the following issues:

  1. On the Project: People view of the Schedule page, the Assignment Start/End Date boxes may appear empty or flash when creating, expanding or collapsing a person's assignment. 
    • Hold tight! After a few seconds, the correct assignment hours appear.
  2. On the Project: Phase view of the Schedule page, the Phase Summary Bar texts may appear misaligned. 
    • Refresh your page! If the text is still misaligned after a refresh, we'll have an enhancement soon.
  3. When dragging and dropping an Assignment Summary Bar on any Project view of the Schedule page, the user is able to add a new assignment selection box over an Assignment Summary Bar, prompting the New Assignment dialog to open. 
    • An enhancement is coming soon so your Schedule will be back in tip-top shape!

See Also:

Mid-September 2022

September 2022

July 2022